2022 Wrapped

In 2022 we have celebrated five years in business. Five years since we founded Unitfly, and each year has been better than the previous.

There have been mistakes, but there has been learning as well. As our team grows, we’re becoming better mentors, communicators, experts and people.

Here are some of the highlights this year:

  • We keep growing. We end this year with 40% growth in revenue and full-time team members.
  • We refreshed our website. With the growth of customers using our products, we’ve decided to re-organize some parts of our website to better serve them – so they can access important resources more easily. Moreover, we wanted to highlight the way we work as well as our team culture we are most proud of.
Unitfly website
  • Our M-Files products increased in the number of products available, as well as in revenue. We are proud to say that we have two new products in the M-Files Solution Catalog (REST OT Connector and Process Intelligence Kit) that we have developed, validated, successfully implemented to first customers and placed on the market.
  • Advanced Technology Days conference, which we organized with Nephos, Nostra and MPG, was extremely successful with more than 70 speakers, 60 sessions and more than 500 participants.
Advanced Technology Days 17
  • We are one of the first M-Files partners that obtained Customers Success Certificate proving we have the right mindset regarding the importance on HOW we work with our customers. We have shared knowledge internally, defined important practices and fine-tuned them to each of our clients.
  • Continuous Improvement we live by resulted in major improvements in fields of DevOps, Support Process and Service Delivery.
  • This was a first full year of planning all aspects of our business using OKRs and we have successfully done 4 OKR cycles with plannings, reviews, and most importantly, open discussion and feedback. For that purpose we organized four different Quarterly Business Reviews (QBRs) in Zagreb, Velika Gorica and Bled (SLO).
Ziplining on Bled, Solvenia
  • 94 official 1:1 meetings and many more unofficial ones that ensure we have regular check-ins about non-operational topics.

We are proud of the successes we have achieved this year. We didn’t mention every customer, partner or project, but there are many more things we are proud of and are looking forward to share in the future. We truly think it is just the beginning. We are excited to see what the next year will bring!

Happy holidays and cheers to 2023 – may it be as good as 2022! 🥂

Decision-Making Process

One of the key researchers in the field of management and decision-making was Herbert Simon. He was, in fact, among the pioneers of artificial intelligence, information processing, decision-making process, organization theory and other important scientific domains. If we think about digital transformation, which is one of the most important topics and needed change nowadays, we will see that these topics “play” a significant role in today’s industry changes.

Digital Transformation – IT for Business

One of the most concrete definitions of digital transformation we use is – digital transformation is IT for business. Basically, application of digital capabilities and technologies in business processes, products, and models. Moreover, it is a cultural change. It is a change that challenges organizations to be innovative, adaptive and customer oriented.

Today, if we look at the area Herbert Simon had an impact on, we will see that there is no digital transformation without business intelligence (which among other things, consists of information processing and decision-making) and organizational changes.

4 Phases of the Decision-Making Process

Simon’s model defines four phases of decision-making process:

  • Intelligence Phase
  • Design Phase
  • Choice Phase
  • Implementation Phase
decision making process

It’s important to note that first Simon’s model contained only three phases – implementation phase was added later. Also, we could add a fifth phase – monitoring, but that can be viewed as an input for the intelligence phase.

Intelligence Phase

Firstly, the decision-making process starts with the intelligence phase. In the first phase, decision makers examine reality and try to identify problems or opportunities correctly. This phase is not only related to the Simon’s decision-making process, but also to other fields and other methodologies. For example, we like to practice Lean Startup methodology which emphasizes the importance of right problem definition before building anything (product or business).

Additionally, one of the pillars of digital transformation is the data. Organizations need to become data driven. That means proper usage and implementation of Business Intelligence (BI) systems. Business Intelligence implementations are considered successful only if you have clear business needs and see real benefits from it. Business Intelligence is not just about data. It should be connected with organizational goals and objectives!

Therefore, intelligence phase includes actions like:

  • Defining organizational objectives
  • Data collection
  • Problem identification and classification
  • ….

The intelligence phase can last really long. But, since decision-making process starts with this phase, it should be to be done properly. This is a key ingredient in every business success.

Design Phase

The main goal of the design phase is to define and construct a model which represent a system, by defining relationships between collected variables. Once we validate the model, we define the criteria of choice and search for several possible solutions for the defined problem (opportunity). We wrap up the design phase by predicting the future outcomes for each alternative.

Choice Phase

In this phase we are actually making decisions. The end product of this phase is a decision. Decision is made by selecting and evaluating alternatives defined in previous step. If we are sure that the decision we made can actually be achieved – we are ready for the next phase.

Implementation Phase

All the previous steps we’ve made (intelligence, design, and choice) are now implemented. Implementation can be either successful or not. Successful implementation results with a solution to the defined problem. On the other hand, failure brings us back to the earlier phase.

We described Simon’s model which, even today, serves as the basis of most models of decision-making process. A process is described as a series of events that precede final decisions. It is important to say that, at any point, the decision maker may choose to return to the previous step for additional validation.

Even Simon’s model was sometimes criticized as being general, that is why we need to be aware of the importance of decision-making. This model is a concept, a framework of how organizations and managers make decisions.

Plus, it is a good starting point for exploring other topics like Business Process Management.

Do you want to make well-founded, data-driven business decisions? Reach out and we’ll help you turn your data into useful information!


Zašto digitalno poslovanje više nije dovoljno?

Otkrijte kako postići maksimalnu produktivnost zaposlenika i povećanje profitabilnosti kompanije.