ABBYY Timeline | ABBYY FlexiCapture
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Enhance your business processes
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Use data to understand and improve your business

ABBYY helps you in leveraging your business information and transforming the enterprise data into meaningful insights.

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Minimize manual tasks

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Automate business processes

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Transform data into meaningful insight

Intelligent Document Processing

ABBYY FlexiCapture

Automatically capture data from documents. Categorize, process and deliver data quickly and more accurately.

Process Mining

ABBYY Timeline

Reconstruct the original process instances step-by-step from your data, and visualize the processes to make data-driven decisions and identify the opportunities for automation.

Reach Your Full Business Potential

Schedule a free consultation with our solution architect. Based on our initial conversation we’ll be able to propose next steps and potential solutions.

Let’s get on the same page.


Besplatni eBook o automatizaciji procesa ulaznih računa

Pripremite se za digitalizaciju i obvezno uvođenje eRačuna uz naš ebook.