Unitfly Library 2022

Get to know us by the books we read

"I like big books and I cannot lie."

T he Secret Santas of our office almost always give books for Christmas. Yes, we want to be smarter, learn new skills, get lost in a fantasy world of mystical beings… but we also love seeing a newbie buy a book for somebody they just met. 😈

Here is what we got for each other in the year 2022.


🎁 for: Viki

🎅: Nina

I gave the book “Getting Things Done” by David Allen to Viktor because I believe it is a valuable resource for someone starting his career. The book offers tips on how to increase productivity, including how to delegate tasks and prioritize responsibilities. I think it will be helpful in improving his work habits and organization skills.

🎁 for: Ivan

🎅 : Viktor

Ivan enjoys listening to podcasts that feature experts from various fields sharing their experiences. 
The book “Tribe of Mentors “ seemed like a perfect choice since it is structured into smaller chapters, each featuring a few pages of the most significant points made by each expert. I believe it will be a worthwhile read.

Kate Secret Santa 2022_1
Kate Secret Santa 2022_2

🎁 for: Kate

🎅: Ivan

Two book for Kate – we don’t have to go into details of the first one ‘cause it’s a personal joke 🙂
The other one is “10X Marketing Formula”, one of the marketing classics. We are entering the phase of business when we want to achieve structured growth, where marketing will play one of the key roles. And since Kate plays one of the key roles in our marketing, there’s no need for further explanations 🙂

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Ines Secret Santa 2022_2

🎁 for: Ines

🎅 : Kate

I can imagine that being a young working mom can take your battery out very quickly. So I thought the perfect way for Ines to recharge, during the time the little one is sleeping, is the book “Lessons in Chemistry”, a funny, brisk love story. (Brisk meaning – I hope you won’t fall asleep after 3 pages 😀)

Ines Secret Santa 2022_1
Ines Secret Santa 2022_2

🎁 for: Toma

🎅: Ines

“The Design of Everyday Things” is a book that is a must-have for anyone working in the field of design, regardless of their specific focus or discipline. That’s why I thought it would be a perfect fit for our frontend developer, Toma.

🎁 for: Bruno

🎅 : Toma

I selected the book “Thinking, Fast and Slow” because it is a comprehensive and insightful examination of how the human mind works and how it can influence our behavior and decision-making. It is a popular book among those interested in psychology, decision-making, and behavioral economics, and Bruno fits all of these!

🎁 for: Alan

🎅: Bruno

I participated in a Secret Santa gift exchange with Alan and gave him two books. The first book, “Football Hackers” is about the use of data analytics in modern football and is an enjoyable and informative read.

The second book is a cookbook featuring dishes from the television show “Seinfeld” which Alan has mentioned as one of his favorite series. The show often mentions specific dishes and these are included in the cookbook. Now he has one book for leisurely reading and another for cooking inspiration.

🎁 for: Dino

🎅: Alan

Our Dino is a passionate marathon runner, which makes the book “Born to run”  by Cristopher McDougall a perfect choice to immerse in a world of unknown tribes, travel and running. 

🎁 for: Nina

🎅: Dino

I gave Nina the book called “The Subtle Art of Not Giving a F*ck: A Counterintuitive Approach to Living the Good Life.” It’s a self-help book that ironically critiques the self-help genre. I found it interesting how the book criticizes the culture surrounding self-help and values honesty, which is becoming increasingly rare among people. Aaaand, the book was on Nina’s wish list, and I thought it was a good choice for her.

🎁 for: Tonka

🎅: Tadej

The first book is about football and I happened to open it to a page about the team Hajduk, which Antonia is a big fan of. I immediately knew she would love it! 🙂

The second book is called “Talking to Strangers” and it caught my attention because of the title. Antonia tends to avoid crowds and I thought the book might offer some advice on how to handle such situations more easily. 😊

Mateja Secret Santa 2022_1
Mateja Secret Santa 2022_2

🎁 for: Mateja

🎅: Tonka

Since Mateja is known as a psychology enthusiast, and with her recent exploration into marketing, I couldn’t recommend a better book than “Influence” by Robert Cialdini. It’s a must read book for marketing, psychology and business.

🎁 for: Tadej

🎅: Mateja

I joined Unitfly in September, and in this short period of time I got the chance to celebrate the birth of Tadej’s first born child! So I thought that the book “Danish Way of Parenting”, which covers a topic that is relevant to young parents, was a good choice for him!


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