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Event logs export for process mining #

In order to analyze a specific M-Files workflow, first we need to find and export event logs that relate to that specific process. To do event logs extraction from M-Files, the PI Kit will be used with its Data Export feature.

First, we need to have a prepared SQL Server database in which the PI Kit will store data. After that, we go back to M-Files Admin → Configurations → Process Intelligence Kit where we start with the configuration.

For this case, we are using the Data Export feature. First thing is to enable configuration to be executed later, after which we choose the export destination by creating a connection string with a database that we earlier created.

Next is to choose an export frequency, however, this can be left empty.

After that, we have to choose whether all object types will be included, or only specific ones. If we choose Selected the next property Object types filter will ask us to select ones to be included in the data export.

Next is Ignored logic accounts which will be left empty since we need all accounts to be included in the export.

After that comes the most important property if we want to add specific data to our event logs → Data enrichment rules. Here we define specific rules for filtering M-Files properties or adding additional properties to our event logs. This could be location, users, etc.

Lastly, the data pull setting allows for specifying when will data export be executed due to specific database constraints.

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