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Create reports based on triggers in M-Files or predefined schedules. Make any M-Files Search request and define the data you want to have in the report.

Configuration #

After you have successfully installed the application, you should configure Extended Reporting.

  1. Open M-Files Admin
  2. In the left-side tree view, expand the desired connection to M-Files Server.
  3. In the left-side tree view, expand the Document Vaults node.
  4. Still, in the left-side tree view, expand the vault where you installed the connector and select Configurations.
  5. Expand Other Applications
  6. Expand Extension Kit
  7. Click on Reporting
EnabledYes/NoSpecifies whether the module is in use.
Configuration modeSimple/AdvancedDisplay simple or advanced configuration options for module.
Mail server
SMTP serverTextServer from which e-mail will be sent.
SMTP server portIntegerPort on given server.
Transport securityOne of the following:
Specifies security protocol that will be used in transport.
UsernameTextUsername of e-mail account.
PasswordTextPassword for that account.
Local domainTextSpecifies the name of local domain.
Sender’s e-mail addressTextEmail address from which e-mail will be sent.
Rule groups [n] > Group [n]
NameTextSpecify rule group name.
Rule groups [n] > Group [n] > Rules [n] > Rule [n]
NameTextSpecify rule group name.
DescriptionTextOptional rule description.
EnabledYes/NoSpecifies whether the rule is in use.
Configuration modeSimple/AdvancedDisplay simple or advanced configuration options for rule.
Trigger typeOne of the following:
Type of event that triggers the execution of
this rule.
ObjectCreated. If this option is selected,
rule will be executed when source object is
ObjectChanged. If this option is selected,
rule will be executed when source object is
ObjectChangedState. If this option is selected, eule will be executed when source object has changed state.
ObjectEnteredState. If this option is
selected, rule will be executed when source
object has entered a new state.
Scheduled. If this option is selected rule will be executed on scheduled time.
OnComment. If this option is selected, rule
will be executed when new comment is
written to source object.
Business criticalYes/No
Rule groups [n] > Group [n] > Rules [n] > Rule [n] > Monitored properties
Property definitionProperty definitionDisplayed only when Trigger is ObjectChanged.
Rule will be triggered only if any of specified
properties have changed. If no property is
specified rule will be triggered on any object
Rule groups [n] > Group [n] > Rules [n] > Rule [n] > Trigger source
Object TypeObject TypeObject type of source object.
ClassClassClass of source object.
WorkflowWorkflowWorkflow of source object.
StateStateWorkflow state of source object.
Rule groups [n] > Group [n] > Rules [n] > Rule [n] > Trigger source >Search filters [n] > Filter [n]
Search conditionsSearch conditionsOptional additional conditions that source object needs to satisfy. Conditions inside a single filter are combined with AND, while multiple filters are combined with OR operator
Rule groups [n] > Group [n] > Rules [n] > Rule [n] > Source file
Source typeOne of the following:
Report file source type.
When NewFile is selected, report will e generated in a new, empty file.
When FromTrigger is selected, report will be generated in selected file from trigger source object.
Filename wildcardPlaceholderDisplayed only if FromTrigger is selected as Source type.
Filename wildcard used to select file from trigger source object that the report will be added to.
Rule groups [n] > Group [n] > Rules [n] > Rule [n] > Export data > Objects to export [n] > Search [n] > Status field condition [n]
FieldOne of the following:
Status field.
OperatorOne of the following:
Operator to use for comparing actual and expected property value.
ValueValueStatus field value.
Rule groups [n] > Group [n] > Rules [n] > Rule [n] > Export data > Objects to export [n] > Search [n] > Property condition [n]
PropertyProperty definitionProperty whose value condition will be checked.
OperatorOne of the following:
·        =
·        !=
·        > 
·        < 
·        >=
·        <=
·  Contains
· DoesNotContain
· StartsWith
·  DoesNotStartWith
Operator to apply in comparison of actual and expected property value.
Rule groups [n] > Group [n] > Rules [n] > Rule [n] > Export data > Properties to export [n]
ModeSimple/AdvancedDisplay simple or advanced options for properties.
TypeOne of the following:
Status field
Specifies type of property to export.
Is titleYes/NoSpecifies is name of chosen properties title
Custom nameTextSpecifies custom property name.
Show column nameYes/NoOptional possibility to display column name.
Bold column nameYes/NoOptional possibility to bold column name.
Rule groups [n] > Group [n] > Rules [n] > Rule [n] > Export destination
DestinationOne of the following:
·        Vault
·        Disk
·        Email
Save export to the selected destination.
Rule groups [n] > Group [n] > Rules [n] > Rule [n] > Export destination > Email settings > To [n] > Recipient [n]
Recipient TypeOne of the following:
·        Dynamic
·        User
·        Group
Types of recipient.
ValueValueDisplay only if Dynamic is selected as Recipient Type.
UserUserDisplay only if User is selected as Recipient Type.
GroupUser GroupDisplay only if Group is selected as Recipient Type.
Rule groups [n] > Group [n] > Rules [n] > Rule [n] > Export destination > Email settings > CC [n] > Recipient [n]
Recipient TypeOne of the following:
·        Dynamic
·        User
·        Group
Types of recipient.
ValueValueDisplay only if Dynamic is selected as Recipient Type.
UserUserDisplay only if User is selected as Recipient Type.
GroupUser GroupDisplay only if Group is selected as Recipient Type.
Rule groups [n] > Group [n] > Rules [n] > Rule [n] > Export destination > Email settings > BCC [n] > Recipient [n]
Recipient TypeOne of the following:
·        Dynamic
·        User
·        Group
Types of recipient.
ValueValueDisplay only if Dynamic is selected as Recipient Type.
UserUserDisplay only if User is selected as Recipient Type.
GroupUser GroupDisplay only if Group is selected as Recipient Type.
Rule groups [n] > Group [n] > Rules [n] > Rule [n] > Export destination > Email settings 
SubjectPlaceholder TextSubject
BodyPlaceholder TextIf report is html document, it will override any e-mail body configured here.
BodyTypeOne of the following:
• PlainText
If report is html, this setting is ignored.
Rule groups [n] > Group [n] > Rules [n] > Rule [n] > Export destination > Email settings  > Additional atatchments
ModeOne of the following:
• CustomObject
• Source
• Reference
CustomObject. Select any custom object from vault
Source. Select current source object
Reference. Select any reference of the source object
Filename wildcardFilename wildcardFilename wildcard used to select file from object.
Advanced settings
Time to wait (milliseconds)IntegerNumber of milliseconds to wait before executing any rule in background.
Number of retriesIntegerMaximum number of times COM errors are retried.
Retry interval (milliseconds)IntegerNumber of milliseconds to wait between retries.

Use Case #

Send weekly email about approved incoming invoices #

Company owner wants to receive weekly update in Excel format about approved invoices in the M-Files. By using Extended Reporting module, he is able to define schedule and dataset that he would like to be dynamically populated every week into the Excel. Excel is then sent to the Owner.

Configuration #

Source object is AR Invoice and report will be created on scheduled time every Monday at 8:00 AM. We want to export Invoice Amount, Invoice Date and Invoice Number as Excel table with e-mail.

configuration for automated weekly emails with Reporting module

configuration for automated weekly emails with Reporting module

configuration for automated weekly emails with Reporting module
configuration for automated weekly emails with Reporting module

Create word reports about project status #

Within the M-Files you are able to define a Word template that has a full structure for the Project Statuses Report. Within the structure you can specify two tags that will serve as placeholders for the M-Files Data (e.g. {PROJECTS HIGH VALUE}, {PROJECTS LOW VALUE}).

In the Reporting module, you are able to define that you want to replace {PROJECTS HIGH VALUE} with the information about active projects (Name, Project Member, Spent Money, Spent Hours) in the form of paragraphs (one per project).

Also, you want to have simple report in table format about active projects and project managers for the projects that have lower value (e.g., less than 10.000 EUR) and this report should be placed within the Word template on the place of placeholder {PROJECTS LOW VALUE}.

Configuration #

configuration for word reports in M-Files

Properties to export in project report.

configuration for word reports in M-Files

Placeholder in document where data will be inserted.

configuration for word reports in M-Files

Template for Projects High Value report is created.

The template contains placeholder.

When we create new document from this template, placeholder will be changed with projects data. This rule is configured for showing projects which have Project Value more than 10,000.00.

Also, we created rule for projects which have project value less than 10,000.00.

configuration for word reports with specific conditions in M-Files

We created template with placeholder PROJECT LOW VALUE.

When we create new document from this template, placeholder will be changed with projects data in table format. This rule is configured for showing projects which have Project Value less than 10,000.00.

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