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Configuration #

After you have successfully installed the application, you should configure Data Transfer module.

  1. Open M-Files Admin
  2. In the left-side tree view, expand the desired connection to M-Files Server.
  3. In the left-side tree view, expand the Document Vaults
  4. Still in the left-side tree view, expand the vault where you installed the connector and select Configurations.
  5. Expand Other Applications
  6. Expand Extension Kit
  7. Click on Data Tranfer
EnabledYes/NoSpecifies whether the module is in use.
Simple/AdvancedDisplay basic or advanced configuration options for module.
Rule Groups> Group
NameTextSpecifies group name.
Rule Groups>Group>Rule
NameTextCustom rule name.
AliasTextUnique rule alias.
DescriptionTextOptional rule description.
EnabledYes/NoSpecifies whether the rule is in use.
Configuration modeSimple/AdvancedDisplay simple or advanced configuration options for rule.
Trigger typeOne of the following:
•   Object created
•   Object changed
•   Object entered state
•   Object ChangedState
•   RunOnce
•   Scheduled
•  OnComment
•   Object deleted
•   Orchestrated
Type of event that triggers the execution of this rule.
Object created. If this option is selected, rule will be executed on creation of source object. 
Object entered state. If this option is selected, rule will be executed when source object changes workflow state.
Object changed. If this option is selected, rule will be executed when any change is made on source object. Run once. If this option is selected, rule will be run only once and on all matching objects in vault.
NOTE: On vault restart, all enabled rules with Run once trigger will be run immediately. 
Scheduled. If this option is selected, rule will be run on inserted time.
On comment. If this option is selected, rule will run whenever a comment is added to the source object.  
Rule Groups>Group>Rule>Monitored properties
Property definitionProperty definitionOptional filter by properties on source object whose change triggers rule execution.
Monitor property One of the following:
Controls how property will be monitored.
Any change. All changes will be monitored and rule will be triggered on any property change.
With condition. Rule will be triggered on property change only if specified condition is satisfied
Rule Groups>Group>Rule>Trigger source
Object TypeList of object typesObject type of source object.
ClassList of classesClass of source object.
WorkflowList of workflowsWorkflow of source object.
StateList of workflow statesWorkflow state of source object. Note! You must also enter the workflow above if you have entered a state.
Rule Groups>Group>Rule>Trigger source> Search filters [n]
SearchConditionSearch conditionsOptional additional conditions that source object needs to satisfy. Conditions inside a single filter are combined with AND, while multiple filters are combined with OR operator.
Look inOne of the following:
• Latest obj version
• All obj versions
When trying to match the above source conditions, look in all object versions, or only the latest one.
Latest obj version. If this option is selected, the current object version must match the specified conditions for object to be treated as source for this rule.
All obj versions. If this option is selected, any object version must match the specified conditions for object to be treated as source for this rule.
Rule Groups>Group>Rule>Mode
ModeOne of the following:
Data transfer mode.
Rule Groups>Group>Rule>Import settings
Transport typeOne of the following:
Transport type.
FileShare – use for transferring data to and from local disk, local or network shared disks.
Sftp – use for transferring data to and from sftp servers.
Folder pathTextFull path to folder data will be imported from.
Import typeOne of the following:
Controls what data will be imported.
Import folder structureOne of the following:
Structure of folder that data will be imported from.
Hierarchy – all files and metadata for each object import will be stored in a single folder.
Flat – all files and metadata for import of all objects will be stored in a single folder and each file can have prefix denoting the object it belongs to.
Unique prefix regex expressionRegex expressionRegex expression that file or folder that are being imported must match. This regex expression is used to identify files belonging to the same object for import.
Prefix-filename separatorTextSeparator used to separate filename prefix (matched with Unique prefix regex expression) and the actual filename of a file being imported.
This value is also used in metadata filename (__metadata.json).
Imported object typeList of object typesImported object type.
Imported object classList of classesImported object class.
File update behaviorAppendAndReplace
If object exists in M-Files, controls file update behavior.
DoNotUpdate: Does not modify object files.
AppendAndReplace: Appends all files to object, replacing any existing file on object that has the same filename as any of the import files.
Overwrite: Removes all files on existing M-Files object and adds import files.
Delete file after importYes/NoWhether to delete file after import.
Duplicates detectionYes/NoWhether to check for duplicates when importing objects.
Rule Groups>Group>Rule>Import settings>FileShare setting
DomainTextDomain name
Rule Groups>Group>Rule>Import settings>Sftp settings
HostTextHost name
Rule Groups>Group>Rule>Import settings>File attribute properties [n]
File attributeOne of the following:
File attribute to set as object property
Regex patternRegex expressionDisplayed only if FilePathRegex or Filename Regex are selected for file attribute.
Regex pattern to use.
Object propertyProperty definitionObject property to set.
Rule Groups>Group>Rule>Import settings>Static object properties [n]
PropertyProperty definition
Rule Groups>Group>Rule>Import settings>Static object properties [n]>Value
ModeOne of the following:
No action
Static value
Empty value
Which type of value to set.
Rule Groups>Group>Rule>Import settings>Object mapping rules
Mapping behaviorOne of the following:
Controls mapping behavior.
Target object typeList of object types.
Target object type.
Target object classList of classesTarget object class.
Rule Groups>Group>Rule>Import settings>Object mapping rules>Source object type
AliasTextSource object type alias.
GuidTextSource object type guid.
IdTextSource object type id.
NameTextSource object type name.
Rule Groups>Group>Rule>Import settings>Object mapping rules>Source object class
AliasTextSource class alias.
GuidTextSource class guid.
IdTextSource class id.
NameTextSource class name.
Rule Groups>Group>Rule>Import settings>Object mapping rules>Properties [n] > Property mapping [n]
AliasTextTarget property alias.
GuidTextTarget property guid.
IdTextTarget property id.
NameTextTarget property name.
TargetProperty definitionTarget property.
Rule Groups>Group>Rule>Import settings>Object mapping rules>Properties [n] > Value list mapping rule [n]>Source value list
AliasTextSource value list alias.
GuidTextSource value list guid.
IdTextSource value list id.
NameTextSource value list name.
Target value listList of value lists.Target value list.
Rule Groups>Group>Rule>Export settings
Transport typeOne of the following:
Transport type.
FileShare. Use for transferring data to and from local disk, local or network shared disks.
Sftp. Use for transferring data to and from sftp servers.
FolderpathTextFull to folder data will be exported to.
OverwriteYes/NoOverwrite any existing files.
Export typeOne of the following:
Controls what data will be exported.
Export folder structureOne of the following:
Structure of folder that data will be exported to.
Hierarchy. Both files and metadata for each exported object will be stored in a single folder, named after object, like in the following example (for document with ID 1, version 2): export(0-1-2)__metadata.json export(0-1-2)file.docx
Flat. All files and metadata for all exported objects will be stored in a single folder and each file (both metadata and actual file) will have prefix denoting the object it belongs to, like in the following example (for document with ID 1, version 2): export(0-1-2)__metadata.json export(0-1-2)__file.docx
Unique prefix expression for exportStringExpression that uniquely denotes object that is being exported. This expression will be used as folder name in Hierarchy export and as filename prefix in Flat export. Default value of %OBJVERSTR%, when used in combination with Hierarchy export will result in files (and metadata) from object being exported to folder named (TYPEID-OBJECTID-VERSION), and when used in combination with Flat export folder structure, files (and metadata) from object will have (TYPEID-OBJECTID-VERSION) prefix.
Prefix-filename separatorTextSeparator used to separate Unique prefix expression for export and the actual filename of a file being exported.
Also used in exported metadata filename (__metadata.json).
Delete after exportYes/NoWhether to delete or destroy object after successful export.
Rule Groups>Group>Rule>Export settings>Objects to export>Status field condition
Field One of following:
Status field.
OperatorOne of following:

Operator to apply in comparison of actual and expected property value
Rule Groups>Group>Rule>Export settings>Objects to export>Status field condition > Value type
Value typeOne of the following:
Value type.
ValueValueStatus field value.
Rule Groups>Group>Rule>Advanced settings
Search timeout (sec)IntegerSearch timeout in seconds. Value should always be between 1 and 90 seconds. This timeout is applied to any search executed inside operation (eq. any configured Vault Search, or retrieval of indirectly referenced objects).
Bussines criticalYes/NoIf set to true, rule will be logged in SEQ.

Use Case #

Import Incoming Invoices from a shared folder #

Customer use M-files to track and store invoices, purchase orders, and other business and financial documents. Incoming invoices are usually scanned and saved to a shared folder on the server. The customer wants to import automatically files in M-Files.

Configuration #

configuration of data transfer in m-files

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